Diablo 4 Delivers Enjoyment
Let me assure you, I'm not just a devoted player engrossed in the campaign's artistic elements. While I indeed relished the campaign, its visuals, cutscenes, music, and overall atmosphere, I also continue to find immense pleasure in these aspects. It's unquestionably the most captivating presentation I've encountered within this genre. This enthusiasm is closely tied to my deep-rooted affinity for action role-playing games (aRPGs). My journey started with Diablo 2 during my childhood, which I recently dived back into with the remastered edition. The nostalgia, excitement with each update, and even my achievement of reaching level 99 were highlights. I've practically done everything in the game except, you guessed it, finding a Griffon's Eye, the elusive item. Additionally, I've poured numerous hours into Path of Exile (PoE) , discovering it just before the pandemic swept in. Throughout 2020-2021, I was immersed in the game's intricacies, achieving miles...