The Mystery: Fia's Quest in Elden Ring
In the vast and enigmatic world of Elden Ring, amidst the chaos and turmoil, lies the captivating quest of Fia, a journey rife with cryptic steps, elusive artifacts, and profound revelations. Embarking on Fia's quest not only unveils hidden depths within the game but also leads to an alternate ending that reshapes the very fabric of the Elden Ring narrative. In this guide, we delve into the intricacies of Fia's quest, from the acquisition of the Weathered Dagger to the profound encounter in Deeproot Depths. Setting the Stage: Initiating Fia's Quest To initiate Fia's quest, adventurers must first traverse the labyrinthine passages of Nokron and acquire the Finger Slayer Blade, a pivotal artifact in the questline. With the blade in hand, they must then journey to Roundtable Hold and engage in a poignant exchange with Fia, setting the wheels of fate in motion. Unearthing the Relic: Obtaining the Weathered Dagger The next step in Fia's quest involves the acquisition of...