Elden Ring is the primary "Spirits" game
This is the principal "Spirits" game that I haven't bobbed off of and I think I at long last get it. It's not super hard. As somebody who experiences PTSD and misery this game is a sort of treatment for the right sort of sorrow. I have kicked the bucket again and again. I at long last killed Godrick and staggered in to the "fire land" toward the upper east of the guide. The adversaries hit hard and took more harm so I accept at least for a moment that I'm playing the game messed up. Rather than thinking "this is excessively hard and I ought not be around." I thought what is the most terrible that will occur? I'll bite the dust. No big deal. Done that tons as of now." It recently clicked. It not some slam your head against the divider test system. It's a power dream. I'm what goes knock in the evening. I'm legend. The more awful they can do is kill me, and assuming I never stopped I won't ever lose. Every demise manager...