
Showing posts with the label DPS group

Lost Ark: How much did you spend on 4x3 engravings

For the sake of context, I'm at 1452 ilvl. and have discovered that I'm having a hard time trying to join teams using party finder. I'm sure more dps there , but even in regular mode Vykas I'm still not getting accepted (I had a lucky week this week when valtan was difficult with a guild that needed randoms and got cleared this week by joining a complete DPS group ). I'm DI shadowhunter. I just received 2 salvation / 2 demonic/ two pre-ordained gear. 1400-1500 spec , with Demonic skill gems at lvl 6/7 therefore I think the problem could be due to my engravings. There are 3x3 di KW and Adrenaline. 8/6 stone. My choice for 4x3 is likely to be hitmaster, as I don't believe I'm confident enough in these raids to play grudge/cursed dolly yet. The issue I'm experiencing is that relics are at a minimum 5k per piece, regardless of the quality. +3/+3. Necklaces aren't 20k lost ark gold either. Is this a common practice or do I have something wrong? My entire...