Lost Ark: How much did you spend on 4x3 engravings
For the sake of context, I'm at 1452 ilvl. and have discovered that I'm having a hard time trying to join teams using party finder. I'm sure more dps there , but even in regular mode Vykas I'm still not getting accepted (I had a lucky week this week when valtan was difficult with a guild that needed randoms and got cleared this week by joining a complete DPS group).
I'm DI shadowhunter. I just received 2 salvation / 2 demonic/ two pre-ordained gear. 1400-1500 spec , with Demonic skill gems at lvl 6/7 therefore I think the problem could be due to my engravings.
There are 3x3 di KW and Adrenaline. 8/6 stone. My choice for 4x3 is likely to be hitmaster, as I don't believe I'm confident enough in these raids to play grudge/cursed dolly yet.
The issue I'm experiencing is that relics are at a minimum 5k per piece, regardless of the quality. +3/+3. Necklaces aren't 20k lost ark gold either. Is this a common practice or do I have something wrong? My entire set would cost approximately 40k at the absolute minimum, but closer to 50-60k if you want decent quality and with minimal negatives.
I've stopped honing for the moment, and am selling mats that aren't bound to fund these accessories. I'll miss the Vykas gates till I can get them.
I initially built my 4x3+2 to cost 12k for my SH 1.5 to 1.5 month ago. I planned it so that it would be 5x3 by the time I finished the battle engraving book(hm). If you included pheons at this time in the price you could get around 20k in total. I was lucky enough to got a 7/6 stone the first attempt.
The main goal of building characters is to start by getting your character piece. It is contingent on the price for the item, but in my case it was an 90%+ high-quality earrings with the 3D and the 5ether predators, at less than 1k. It was the starting point to build.
2. Next step would be to locate an appropriate necklace. I was able find an 3/4 piece of the two battle-themed engravings that I wanted with quality of 70%+ at less than 2k.
3. Purchase a stone that is based on of the two other items and cut it and hope that you get it to. 7/5 is good enough and anything more will save you money on other pieces. I had a lucky break and scored 7/6 on my first attempt for 2k.
4. Find the remaining pieces and then buy the rest. I think I paid about 5k to get one 5/3s earrings and around 2k each for my rings or more or less.
I got 3 di 3, 3 grudge, 3 CD, 3 Hm, 2 adren, and 1 ether predator. It's actually more damage than going to 3 adren using the same setup. I decided to go 3 adren 3 kbw because the difference in price wasn't worth the extra 3% of DPS I could have gotten using the "meta" design.
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