What are you taking care of to be ready for WOW TBC

Classic WoW fans are in heaven because the Burning Crusade has arrived. If you're still not playing begin today. There's no doubt about it that TBC is on the way and it will probably be sooner than you imagine. We are currently in phase six of Classic World of Warcraft, and the majority of players have completed all the things they had planned for during this stage.

the Burning Crusade


The launch of TBC will bring new jobs like jewelry-making and new levels of skill for the existing professions. While you'll not be able to unlock any new levels until TBC begins, you will be able to begin gathering the necessary materials to create new recipes. The great thing about the original World of Warcraft expansion is that we know exactly the features we can expect. A lot of recipes included in TBC will require Old World items, so If you're sure you want to focus on a particular class this is the perfect time to collect the necessary items.

Processing Jewelry

Find Truesilver, Mithril, Thorium Ore, and gemstones such as Aquamarine and Tiger's eye Moss Agate and many more. There are even higher-end materials such as Azeroth diamonds as well as Arcane Crystals. In general, when it's a rock or gem, you'll likely need it for TBC.


If you're planning to study tailoring try the collection of old-fashioned items such as mageweave, silk, and runecloth.

Leather Processing

While it's not the most sought-after job, tanning has huge benefits in TBC since it's an ingredient used in drum making. Drums generate a short that creates an effect around the drummer which is able to be utilized to affect the members of the party who are nearby. Based on the drum, players in the group can gain greater attack strength and spell damage, as well as faster movement and force five enemies to leave, and so on. If you intend to make use of the craft of leather in TBC begin gathering heavy or lightweight leather, thick leather, and so on.


Concentrate on the collection of Ice Caps, Golden Ginseng, Grom Blood, and Ghost Mushrooms.

Which career fields should you concentrate on?

The new expansion brings new demands to the economy. It's possible that, while your profession is a major cash-maker within Classic World of Warcraft but it's not so much in TBC. Tailoring and Alchemy are regarded to be the most lucrative professions in TBC. Alchemists can make huge quantities of gold by transforming and selling the elixirs.

Make Gold

We're not going to lie to you that you'll have to be rich to be able to make it in TBC. The price of learning to fly is staggering. In TBC you have the option of using two flying skills: Craftsman and Expert. Expert flying costs $900 to learn the skill, and 100 gold for mounting. This will result in 60% installation speed (same as normal installation speed, just on the ground). For the majority of players, flying through the vast Outlands can feel slow. If you're looking to improve your flight speed You'll need the Artisan skill costing 5000 Gp and an amount that costs 200 grams. It is worth the cost if you are able to grind gold since it lets you reach the incredible speed of 280 percent.

The truth is that grinding the same amount of gold in addition to the other items that you require to get WoW Classic will be a significant time investment. If you're not able to or the desire, there's an alternative. You can purchase Classic WoW Gold on the internet at P2PAH.com. There, you can purchase WoW gold at a reasonable price on our server.

An alternative is to cultivate special materials and then sell them at the auction houses to the other participants making preparations. There's some disagreement about when is the right moment to do this. Some players believe that simply the launch of an expansion is the best time to market because everybody is already in preparation mode right now. In the weeks leading to the release of TBC(p2pah offer WOW TBC gold), players will no longer be focused on the goals of the classic World of Warcraft. Some believe that the launch is the ideal moment to begin selling. Why? because there is a chance of an increase in the population when new players come back playing. By the way, WoTLK Classic will coming, p2pah provide you the best Wotlk classic gold, have a nice day.


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